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Retirement Community Living

Embrace Community Life

What does the word “community” mean to you? For many, community is the place where we feel that we belong and where we can make a difference. Community is warmth, security, and sanctuary, where everything (and everyone) you need is waiting for you. Querencia at Barton Creek is a community that offers all of this—and so much more.

smiling senior man, Jev Sikes, in blue button-up shirt sits for an interview with hands folded in his lap, backdropped by large windows

People are very friendly. Everybody calls you by name on the elevators or when you’re eating. People invite you to sit and eat with them. People are very open about their lives and who they are, and it was really good for me.

- Jev Sikes, Querencia Resident

Independent Living Activities

Find Fun at Every Corner

Hear that? Tonight's orchestral performers are warming up in the auditorium. Nearby, a local artist leads a group pottery class. Tonight, you’ll listen to a guest lecturer from a local wildlife rescue. Everywhere you go, there’s not only something new and interesting to do, but the perfect people to enjoy it all with.

See On-Site Activities

Retirement Home Connections

Let Friendship Lead the Way

Having trouble finding your people? Not at Querencia! There’s always a morning yoga class to attend, a walking group looking for another member, or a volunteer effort that would love an extra pair of hands. Participate in one of the community’s many social clubs, or share a meal with a new friend from your dance class.

Find Your People

smiling senior couple sits for an interview, backdropped by a lineup of colorful paintings in the art studio at Querencia

I really like the fact that we moved in here when we were in our mid-seventies. We got to meet all these new people, and develop all these new friendships … These people are our family, and we help each other. And that is the really nice part of it.

- Cela Edwards, Querencia Resident

Senior Living Residences

Experience Resort-Style Living

Let’s redefine what it means to “live the good life.” See how the luxurious, spacious residences here are perfectly suited to your new resort-style life.

Find Your New Paradise